Mon 30 Dec 2024

Where to ?

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Listing 20 Riddles in this Category - Logic

Riddles Author Rating Hits
How Can This Be?
N/A 797.00 31859
Boy and Canary
N/A 316.00 27051
N/A 221.00 26496
Half Full or Half Empty?
N/A 188.00 37521
Fishing Rod
N/A 89.00 25248
Clasped hands
N/A 67.00 25301
Cell breakout
N/A 165.00 29960
Sinking Ship
N/A 70.00 28653
Murder suspects
N/A 294.00 34148
Filling the room
N/A 128.00 33002
Reading with the lights off
N/A 127.00 35039
Explain how the tractor got there?
N/A 85.00 33712
The following sentence is false.
N/A 84.00 35243
Cogs, Tigs and Pabs
N/A 26.00 35121
Fox, Goose and a Sack of Corn
N/A 137.00 36943
Fork In the Road
N/A 55.00 38327
Two grandmothers
N/A 24.00 36840
Mailing a Valuable Object
N/A 70.00 42533
3 Switches
N/A 161.00 41024
Can't be buried in the USA
N/A 57.00 39432

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Pick of the Week
Title: - Author: gabriela - Contributor:gabriela
how do u scream without any sound

u open ur mouth and dont make a sound1 dumbo
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