Tue 22 Oct 2024

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Listing 20 Riddles in this Category - Miscellaneous

Riddles Author Rating Hits
What animal keeps the best time?
N/A 58.00 33857
Watch in the desert
N/A 23.00 14671
Which Side of a Cat
N/A 43.00 22667
Bricked up room
N/A 144.00 22022
What insect does a blacksmith manufacture?
N/A 20.00 22197
A doctor and a bus driver in love
N/A 86.00 21202
Bike Spokes
N/A 22.00 21866
Talking Parrot
N/A 52.00 22851
What tree is most warmly clad?
N/A 26.00 22901
A time when they're green,
N/A 39.00 24543
With pointed fangs it sits in wait,
N/A 75.00 28651

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Pick of the Week
Title:Go Away - Author: May Grace - Contributor:May Grace
Go away he said and she was happy. Why?

He is in a hospital and she is happy because it means the man is conscious.
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