Tue 22 Oct 2024

Where to ?

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Listing 20 Riddles in this Category - What am I?

Riddles Author Rating Hits
I cannot be felt, seen or touched
N/A 505.00 18720
I can sizzle like bacon
N/A 264.00 17885
Only one color, but not one size,
N/A 201.00 18155
I am slim and tall,
N/A 313.00 19409
No legs have I to dance,
N/A 236.00 19409
I come in different shapes and sizes.
N/A 97.00 16743
There was a green house.
N/A 333.00 27475
I'm sometimes white,
N/A 391.00 22359

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Pick of the Week
Title:Go Away - Author: May Grace - Contributor:May Grace
Go away he said and she was happy. Why?

He is in a hospital and she is happy because it means the man is conscious.
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